Sunday, September 15, 2024

海洋寬條麵 Seafood Fettuccine

White sauce:

Unsalted butter: 35g

Flour: 35g

Milk: 560ml (1 pint)

Salt: 1 teaspoon

Garlic powder: 1/2 teaspoon

Onion powder: 1/2 teaspoon

Parmesan Cheese (grated): 30g

Cinnamon: 1/4 teaspoon

Seafood and Fettucine

Fettucien: 320g

Mixed seafood: 150g

Salt and pepper: pinch (for seafood marinade)

Minced garlic: 2 cloves

White wine: 20ml


Black pepper, Parsley, Paprika

Mozarella cheese: 50g


1. 海鮮加鹽及黑椒拌勻備用

2. In 26cm buffet, 燒熱油,蒜蓉炒香後加入海鮮炒勻, 濽白酒, 備用

*** 預備白汁跟烚意粉可同時進行 ***

4. Boil water for cooking fettuccine

5. While waiting for water to be boiled. In stainless steel pot, 牛油煮溶,加入麵粉拌勻

6. 牛油起泡後, 熄火,一邊加入牛奶一邊拌勻

7. After the milk blended with roux, add salt, garlic poweder, onion powder, cinnamon. Stir until mix well.

8. Preheat over to grill mode 200C

9. When water boiled, start cooking the fettuccine

10. While cooking fettuccine, turn on the heat of the pot for white sauce

11. Add the cheese to the white sauce and keep stirring until the cheese melt. Turn off the heat and set aside.

12. When fettuccine is ready, add the cooked fettuccine into buffet, mix with seafood.

13. Add the white sauce into buffet. Mix well.

14. Sprinkle with black pepper, parsley, paprika

15. Add mozzarella cheese

16. Put into the oven for 4 mins.

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