Saturday, December 12, 2009


This is the 2nd time I cooked this. During the first time, too much water is added .... the result is not good, as the most crucial and difficult part for cooking 煲仔飯 is on the rice. The 2nd time is much much better. So i need to jot down the steps, time taken, portion of rice and water..... etc.... Hope every time I can made the delicious 煲仔飯 with different 配料

蝦醬 1 TS
雞脾肉 cut in pieces (Bought from Jusco)
指天椒 4 隻
飯 1.25 cup, 水 1 cup

1. 指天椒 cut to small pieces, remove the seed and mixed with 蝦醬 and 雞肉. 2 hrs
2. 沙煲在底部抹薄薄的一層油,將洗淨後的米和水一起放入沙鍋裡,泡一個小時
3. 臘腸放入清水中浸泡五分鐘, 備用
3. 先用大火煮開米和水,(Takes 2-3 mins) , 待水滾後立刻轉小火
4. During this 2-3 mins, 爆香雞肉 and 紅椒
等水差不多都要收入米中,呈現蜂窩的時候 (Takes ~5 mins) ,用筷子攪拌一下(以免糊底),然後放入雞肉 and 紅椒
蓋上蓋後繼續小火煮大約 7 分鐘左右,關火,add 臘腸,蓋著蓋子焗 10 分鐘左右。

Finish !!

Befor Sunrise, Before Sunset

Thinking about the conversations between Jesse and Celine ...

Monday, September 14, 2009


Carbonara is one of my favourite type pasta, creamy ... cheesy but fatty... This dish is really v. simple and can be an emergency dish at home. Let's make it in this Typhoon 8 hoisted Monday night:

材料 :
Spaghetti or Fettuccine: 200g (for 2 ppl)
Bacon: 3 slices
蛋黃: 3 隻
Cream: 200 ml
Black Pepper: 1 teaspoon
Parmesan cheese (grated): 6 tablespoon
Herbs (optional)

  • Sauce - beat egg yolk, mix with cream, parmesan cheese, pepper, herbs togather. Set aside.
  • fry the bacon strips, (can add some white wine)
  • at the same time, boil the spaghetti as per the package (normally around 11 mins) once it is boiled, filter the hot water, put them into the salty bacon
  • pour into the sauce and mix the spaghetti with it and bacon in the pan.
  • mixed well. The heat in the spaghetti will slightly cooked the egg and melt the cheese to make the sauce think and cling onto the spaghetti.
  • baked for 15 mins at 200 C

The recipe is mainly from Nigella Lawson's cookbook, with slight modification.

Friday, September 11, 2009


請不要灰心 你也會有人妒忌 你仰望到太高 貶低的只有自己
別盪失太早 旅遊有太多勝地 你記住你髮膚 會與你慶祝鑽禧

lalala 慰藉自己 開心的東西要專心記起
lalala 愛護自己 是地上拾到的真理
寫這高貴情書 用自言自語 作我的天書
自己都不愛 怎麼相愛 怎麼可給愛人好處
這千斤重情書 在夜闌盡處 如門前大樹 沒有他倚靠 歸家也不必撇雨

請不要哀傷 我會當你是偶像 你要別人憐愛 先安裝一個藥箱
做甚麼也好 別為著得到讚賞 你要強壯到底 再去替對方設想

拋得開手裡玩具 先懂得好好進睡
深谷都攀過後 從泥濘尋到這不甘心相信的金句

寫這高貴情書 用自言自語 作我的天書
自己都不愛 怎麼相愛 怎麼可給愛人好處
這千斤重情書 在夜闌盡處 如門前大樹 他不可倚靠 歸家也不必撇雨

我要給我 寫這高貴情書 用自言自語 作我的天書
自己都不愛 怎麼相愛 怎麼可給愛人好處
憑著我這千斤重情書 在夜闌盡處 如門前大樹 沒有他倚靠 歸家也不必撇雨

Sunday, July 19, 2009



牛仔骨 4 條
洋蔥 1/2 個

料 :
蒜鹽 1 茶匙
喼汁 1 茶匙
黑椒粉 1 茶匙
糖 1 茶匙
麻油 少許

1. 牛仔骨洗淨, 抹乾, 將醃料放在牛仔骨拌勻, 醃 1 小時
2. 燒紅鑊倒少少油, 大火快煎香牛仔骨兩邊, 每邊大約煎15秒. 鎖住肉汁
3. 炒香蒜茸及洋蔥, 加入牛仔骨, 用中火輕炒
4. 加水2湯匙, 蓋上鑊蓋, 繼續用中火焗大約三分鐘至收乾水.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


In this long holiday, I made one of my favorite food - 蘿蔔糕
Actually, I tried few times with Mom's assistance before and of coz all are good taste, right texture.

This is the first time I made by myself solely ... and... it totally failed. The cake is hard like a stone and it is definitely unacceptable. We can only put it in the bin. :(
I need a 2nd chance !!! And eventually .... successful lah!!!

白蘿蔔去皮後 1400 g (約 2 大條,通常告訴菜販買3斤,刨皮三次)
冬菇 2 隻
瑤柱 3 粒
蝦米 適量 (2 湯匙)
臘腸 2 條
蔥 適量
粘米粉 200g  (1/7 of 蘿蔔)
澄面 50g   (1/4 of 沾米粉)
馬蹄粉 12g  (1/4 of 澄面)
總水量 472 ml (1.8 of 總粉量 )

調味料 :
Salt 1 茶匙
蝦皮粉 2 茶匙
糖 1 茶匙
蠔油  1 湯匙
胡椒粉 少許

1. 冬菇與蝦米放入水中浸軟,蝦米切碎,冬菇切粒。
2. 臘腸切薄片。蔥切粒 (分開白色與綠色部份)。
3. 用水浸軟瑤柱,撕絲。瑤柱水備用。
4. 白蘿蔔去皮後一半切條(筷子粗) , 另外一半刨絲
5. 量粉,瑤柱水加至250ml 水開粉䊢,再加一茶匙油,備用
5. 起油鑊,爆香臘腸,加入瑤柱、蝦米、冬菇、白色蔥粒炒香,盛起配料備用
6. 不用洗鑊, 把蘿蔔放入鑊內大火煮3分鐘,轉中火再煮7分鐘,煮至蘿蔔絲轉成透明,熄火。
7. 撈起蘿蔔絲,倒起蘿蔔水量度,加入扣除開粉漿水不夠的總水量,再放回蘿蔔絲,開火,煮多5分鐘,熄火
8. 下調味、把炒料拌勻。
9. 把三分一蘿蔔撞入粉䊢慢慢拌勻,再倒進大鑊
5. 蒸糕盤抹上一層油,傾入糕漿,隔水大火蒸 40 分鐘,取出蘿蔔糕洒上綠色蔥粒,凍後切件煎香供食。


Friday, June 19, 2009


To celebrate father's day with Honey's family, I tried a new dish - 芝士焗龍蝦

材料 :
龍蝦 2 隻
細伊麵 2 個
洋蔥 1/2 個
清雞湯 1 罐 (500 ml)
鮮奶 200 ml
Cheddar 芝士 4 片
Parmesan 芝士碎 1/2
牛油 30-40 g

1. 用 250 ml 清雞湯 + 250 ml 水,烚熟伊麵,撈起,滴乾
2. 龍蝦斬件,輕黏上粟粉,猛火走油至7成熟 (20sec),撈起用吸油紙拭乾
3. 炒香蒜茸及洋蔥
4. 加入牛油煮溶
5. 加入 250 ml 清雞湯 及鮮奶,順方向搞勻
6. 待湯全滾後加入芝士 (cheddar & Parmesan) ,搞至完全煮溶
7. 加入已炸的龍蝦煮三分鐘
8. 伊麵底放入金屬盆底鋪平
9. 將汁及龍蝦倒入金屬盆內(儘量令汁蓋蝦面)
10. 灑下 Parmesan 芝士粉鋪面
11. 放入焗爐用150度焗10分鐘後,再用200度 焗 5分鐘

Friday, June 05, 2009

these days...

Haven't updated the blog for half year ...
Let's summarize what happened in these days ...

Dad passed away...... Finally, he was released ......
Had a relax trip in Thai with mom, bro and sis during CNY ...... The first CNY without Dad ...
Left my wonderland and moved back TM after 6 yrs ...
Left the team I've been worked for 4 yrs ...

Keep changing ....... When can I settle down ......