Saturday, December 12, 2009


This is the 2nd time I cooked this. During the first time, too much water is added .... the result is not good, as the most crucial and difficult part for cooking 煲仔飯 is on the rice. The 2nd time is much much better. So i need to jot down the steps, time taken, portion of rice and water..... etc.... Hope every time I can made the delicious 煲仔飯 with different 配料

蝦醬 1 TS
雞脾肉 cut in pieces (Bought from Jusco)
指天椒 4 隻
飯 1.25 cup, 水 1 cup

1. 指天椒 cut to small pieces, remove the seed and mixed with 蝦醬 and 雞肉. 2 hrs
2. 沙煲在底部抹薄薄的一層油,將洗淨後的米和水一起放入沙鍋裡,泡一個小時
3. 臘腸放入清水中浸泡五分鐘, 備用
3. 先用大火煮開米和水,(Takes 2-3 mins) , 待水滾後立刻轉小火
4. During this 2-3 mins, 爆香雞肉 and 紅椒
等水差不多都要收入米中,呈現蜂窩的時候 (Takes ~5 mins) ,用筷子攪拌一下(以免糊底),然後放入雞肉 and 紅椒
蓋上蓋後繼續小火煮大約 7 分鐘左右,關火,add 臘腸,蓋著蓋子焗 10 分鐘左右。

Finish !!

Befor Sunrise, Before Sunset

Thinking about the conversations between Jesse and Celine ...